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Walt Whitman HS

The place where everyone hates each other. Located in South Huntington, NY: Walt Whitman has some of the dumbest kids in the god damn world . 90% of the school is filled with fucking idiots. Half of them barely knows that the sun isn't a planet. Some of them have failed the same class twice. I'm happy that I'm graduating in 2 years, this school has some of the dumbest people I've ever met. One of the students told me that they thought the sun was a planet and the earth was flat. There are so many liberals, most of them think that there's 63 genders and that sex and gender aren't the same thing. I hate libtards!

Sorry I'm retarded, I go to Walt Whitman HS.

by libtards cause down syndrome June 21, 2019

9👍 6👎