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Washington, Missouri

A town lying on the Missouri River of roughly 14,000 people that's probably the most conservative, Catholic place on the planet. There's a grand total of about ten different last names in the area, all of clear German origin, that aren't heard anywhere else.

It has two high schools: Washington High School is the largest and the the only public high school, while St. Francis Borgia High School is a small Catholic high school that tends to consist of students from more higher-income families. But this does not mean people there are stuck-up or snobbish.

The town is almost completely white, and many people will do a double take when they see a person from a different ethnicity there.

The county (Franklin) has a terrible problem with methamphetamine, but as I'm not a druggie, I don't have any experience with it. I guess that could be a plus about this town for some people, however…

Overall, this is a nice town that I'm happy to live in. The overwhelming Catholic influence can get a bit annoying at times, but for the most part, I have no qualms about Washington.

Washington, Missouri resident: "Want to go to church?"
Out-of-towner: "Nah, I'm not Catholic."
Washington resident: "YOU SHALL BE BURNED AT THE HANDS OF GOD!!"

by jbuc14 October 13, 2013

7👍 6👎

Washington high school, Missouri

If you have gone here in the past you will be nothing but disappointed, all the currant students care about is, politics, drugs, a overrated sport, wearing dark goth makeup and scaring the children, hating on people, pretending to be a farmer, and hallway fights. This school is probably 99% white, 50% of witch will never leave this town long term unless it’s for Florida like the rest of this state. And the other will never come back. Just about all of the teachers are liberal. And most jocks are sexist, racist, and drink 5 water bottles a day for the “sport” but it’s probably to go to the bathroom and hit there buddies vape.

You go to Washington high school, Missouri? “Yeah tomorrow’s tractor day, can’t wait to see the cows!”
Have you heard about what happened at washington? “No but I bet it was another bomb threat

by Washington high survivor 2023 August 26, 2021