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Wasilla, Alaska

Wasilla, Alaska is a terrible place where drug addicts and criminals live.

Hey, let's leave Wasilla, Alaska so the drug addicts and criminals don't get us.

by E-Dawg 'O' Bling Bling October 27, 2007

57👍 29👎

Wasilla, Alaska

A small town of about 15,000 located some 40 miles north of Anchorage. If you take away the surrounding snow-capped mountains, it's as if you're in a small town in the Midwestern United States. It's the cheapest place to own a home in the state, but there is a sales tax. The vibe of the town and people is rather sleazy; most of the population are blue-collar in their living conditions and mentality. Many spacious homes with potential to be nice and well-kept have appliances outside and cars propped up on concrete blocks. Drug deals and manufacturing are commonplace, especially methamphetamine. A good quarter of the population or more work on the North Slope and many others commute to Anchorage to work.

Wasilla, Alaska

by waspcoloredstain February 16, 2014

5👍 5👎