Waterbury, Connecticut is an impoverished, politically corrupt former industrial city along the
Naugatuck river, at the junction of highways 8 & 84. Waterbury is made up of a small downtown
with many small shops where most of the under paid police force is constantly at, there are a few
decent low to moderate income areas along the outskirts of the city but the majority of
Waterbury, about 90% is extremely poor drug infested slums. architecture: downtown is made up
of very old buildings usually 4-7 stories tall as well as a few larger elevator buildings. The outer
areas of the city along it's borders are usually small single family homes and 2-3 unit apartment
houses. However the majority of the city is made entirely of rotting, often roach and
lead infested tenement houses and walk up apartment buildings between 3-5 stories in height.
Other than the relatively low-crime downtown, it is quite common to see prostitutes, street racers
and drug dealers all day and night. Waterbury, also know as The Dirty Water, is characterized by
it's masses of filth. Rotting garbage, burning garbage, heaps of rancid food waste and overgrown
vegetation. It is very common to see houses that have been abandoned for decades left to rot.
Occasionally these buildings burn down or simply collapse. Waterbury has the lowest rate of car
owners, the lowest median rents and the highest teen pregnancy rate in the state of Connecticut.
There is approximately 20 separate and unique ghettos in the city including "New Pac, South
End, Brooklyn and Willow-Plaza. Oddly the crime rate is lower than Hartford and New Haven, on par with Bridgeport and twice as high as Meriden and Bristol. This is because the cops are always near commercial and office areas. This means that nearly all the crime is never even known by the police who report the local crime rate, giving the illusion of a much safer city. And As long as you stay in the shopping/office districts you’re safe. All the horror stories about Waterbury are from people who have lived there or the occasional person who got lost on a shopping trip and ended up in the ghettos
i moved to Waterbury so i can shoot herion in public all day
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v. To send a UCONN applicant to a shitty side campus on a street corner of Waterbury, Connecticut. Usually considered the ultimate diss. Ten minutes after you celebrate your acceptance, you find out you just got fucked over.
Fuck...Uconn just waterburyed me. The least the could have done was rejected me.
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Waterbury, Connecticut is an impoverished, politically corrupt former industrial city along the
Naugatuck river, at the junction of highways 8 & 84. Waterbury is made up of a small downtown
with many small shops where the entire under paid ploce force is constantly at, there are a few
decent low to moderate income areas along the outskirts of the city but the majority of
Waterbury, about 90% is extremely poor drug infested slums. architecture: downtown is made up
of very old buildings usually 4-7 stories tall as well as a few larger elevator buildings. The outer
areas of the city along it's borders are usually small single family homes and 2-3 unit apartment
houses. However the majority of the city ‘the slums' are made entirely of rotting, often roach and
lead infested tenement houses and walk up apartment buildings between 3-5 stories in height.
Other than the relatively low-crime downtown, it is quite common to see prostitutes, street racers
and drug dealers all day and night. Waterbury, also know as The Dirty Water, is characterized by
it's masses of filth. Rotting garbage, burning garbage, heaps of rancid food waste and overgrown
vegetation. It is very common to see houses that have been abandoned for decades left to rot.
Occasionally these buildings burn down or simply collapse. Waterbury has the lowest rate of car
owners, the lowest median rents and the highest teen pregnancy rate in the state of Connecticut. There is approximately 20 separate and unique ghettos in the city including “New Pac, South End, Brooklyn and Willow-Plaza.
i moved to Waterbury so i can shoot herion in public all day
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A school where a bunch of gay people are put together and they don’t know everyone is gay so they act straight
I’m from Waterbury Misevta
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A tall boy whos vocabulary is no larger than aretard or cumguzzaler. they are usually very autistic and is usually rejected by girls. probably because there uncircumsized.
BOIIIII you could be a beau waterbury
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A high school full of wanna be nurses, fake rich bitches, and nerd boys all in some thick black shirts. The upperclassmen are borderline sex offenders but its okay mommy holley will bail them out.
Waterbury Career Academy is a disgusting place
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Waterbury career academy high school a fake ass wanna be “private” school is full of attention seeking whores and think their attitude is cute asf. Males that stand in the hallway with their head phones on singing loud asf which we know won’t turn out to be shit. The principal stalk you on his cameras & bitch about dress code every damn day like it’s a deadly weapon which doesn’t help the fact that they have the AC on in the winter, we’re only allowed to wear thick ass black shirts all yr and niggas be burning up in June. subs that don’t speak English, principle favorite kids and leave the others out. Everybody is basically pussies there tbh, talk shit when you’re not around for attention. It’s not about learning in this piece of shit it’s about passing your classes bc the teachers don’t teach shit and they are alll crazy asf.
Outsider: you’re in high school and didn’t learn this?
Waterbury career academy high school student: the teachers don’t teach us shit there
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