Source Code


If you walk around Waverley at night you will be sure to get stabbed by the locals at Regent Street or Allwinton Court, which is the drug capital of Waverley. We have two scummy shops, the servo or the "top shop". People generally buy their tea at the servo. Teenagers go to the "skate park" to smoke bongs and joints at the bong shed where you will find a bong used by five year olds. Their are normally homeless people there too. DO NOT go to the "top shop" or servo alone, you will get raped, mouthed, bashed, shot or stabbed. IF you do get into a fight in Waverley, try not to get others blood on you as many have aids, Hep C, Hep B, Hep A or "the clap". Do not swim in the Waverley Lake, it may look inviting but you will get sick and die. Have a very nice day at Waverley, keep this as your survival guide.

Person 1: Sits at Waverley bus stop waiting to go to the lovely "mall".
Person 2: Comes up and asks if you want to buy a deal.


Person 1: Sits at Waverley bus stop waiting to go to the lovely "mall".
Person 2: Comes up "got a smoke man?"
Person 1: "Nah bro, all out."
Person 2: "Seen any good butts on the ground then?"
Person 1: "Nah, if you find one, share?"

by annoymous, why not? June 30, 2010

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Waverley school

Waverley School is a really shitty and crappy school in Birmingham. They have shit teachers and rah it’s jus normally shit. See they can’t afford to have nice things cus they broke and thing they are some type of prison with all the silence in the corridors shit and the detentions like just don’t go there soo yh

Girl: I saw some bad reviews about Waverley School
Boy: Obviously it’s a shit school enni fham
Girl: no it ain’t are u tapped AND DONT MAKE FUN OF RAPE
Boy: Rahh we weren’t making fun of rape ur jus tapped in UR head go to the hospital

by Hi I’m ur mom December 14, 2018

12👍 1👎

Pride of Waverley

One who is the pride of all those around them. As in one who is looked upon with pride and respect by all those to whom they are known. Also reffered to as a great 'all arounder' or golden child

In the olympics for Australia Cathy Freeman really was the Pride of Waverley

by blue and gold crest September 17, 2008

Glen Waverley

A punishment or dare where one man places the penis of another man into his mouth in public.

Made infamous by the Glen Waverley Football Club Mad Monday celebrations 2022 who performed the act in a pub in broad daylight.

You lost the bet, get down and give me a Glen Waverley!

by TruckHunter September 8, 2022

A Glen Waverley

The act of a male performing fellatio on another male in a public setting (example front bar of a pub)

Nate went one a bender and give Tim A Glen Waverley at the front bar of the Kingston. He washed down the salty surprise with a Golden Resch.

by Swaffelkoning August 27, 2022

Waverley studio college

Shittest skl in brum I’m tellin u if you went there I think u need therapy place is like a prison I definitely won’t recommend but stay in skl dudes big up the real drillas up in there chinkz fatz n Ellie

“Ahh bro I’m goin waverley studio college
Nah bro don’t “

by Shmuckkilla May 8, 2020

Glen Waverley Station

A hole, but anyway we love the place. Drugs, booze, punch-ons, it's great. The place is called home by people from GW Secondary College and Brentwood Secondary. It's great to see kids like these look forward to a future.

If you go past, look at them and admire, don't touch, or they will start swinging.

I love Glen Waverley Station,
Nah man, nothing compared to ringwood man,
GW is the greatest, the punch-ons are fucking insane

by StationBOY October 27, 2007

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