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wayne static

The lead singer of Static-X of course. Known for his awesome scream singing and wicked long ass beard (similar to Shavo Odadjian's) and of course....his hair. His hair is like BAM! Stands straight up through an entire performance thanks to hair spray. It should also be mentioned that Wayne is one of the few men who can use hair spray and spend about twenty minutes on their hair without being considered "Gay."

Wayne is also a vegetarian because he opposes animal captivity and is atheist. Oh, and he did the common rock star thing and married a porn star *eye roll*

From a Livewire interview:

Livewire: Would you feel proud if you offended the devil?

Wayne: (laughs) I don't believe in the devil!

Livewire: So you're an atheist.

Wayne: Yes.

Livewire: What would you like your gravestone to say?

Wayne: I'm not really into gravestones. I'm more interested in cremation and have my ashes scattered over the desert where I drive my truck.

Livewire: At least you didn't pick your cats litter box.

Wayne: (laughs) I mean - I'm not into that whole ritualistic burying thing. You know you're dead and you have a tombstone and people go there and cry every birthday or whatever. You know you're done dude - just cremate the shit and whatever.

Livewire: Is your image really your personality or is it just a gimmick?

Wayne: My image is my onstage personality. It fits the music and it just comes out of me onstage. During, like everyday life I'm much more low key. I prefer to just kinda blend in and not make a spectacle of myself. I kind of view it like KISS in their make-up days. I'm sure Gene didn't put on the make-up to watch TV and sit around the house. My look isn't something that I just thought up one morning - it sort of evolved over a few years. I didn't have the hair and the beard at first. I kept my head shaved. I had really long hair and then I shaved it when I was in L.A. I kept it shaved for about 2 years and then I started growing a goat. Then I had this beard thing going on so I let my hair grow out and it sort of evolved into what it is now.

--And that would be Wayne Static for you.

by Drakanaa June 29, 2008

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