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Anthony Weiner's Weiner

Sent via Twitter to a college girl. Weiner couldn't say with certitude if it was his own weiner, but after a week or so admitted to sending the picture. Weiner is currently a Democratic Congressman, and the recipient of much envy due to his size below the belt.

Have you seen Anthony Weiner's weiner in that picture? I'm kinda jealous.

by Devin Conway June 10, 2011

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

weiner on weiner

another name for World of Warcraft (W.O.W.)
Because everyone that plays it love weiner.

Tracy: I love World of warcraft
Josh: You mean weiner on weiner You look like you suck dick.

by armament24 March 16, 2009

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Hairy weiner aka harold weiner

Mr. Bo jangles' brother's friend's doctor's husband's veterarian's sister's cousin.

A guy slangin' some dope shit (the flamest polyester on the northwest side)

a negro: Hey, where's Harold?

by MeowMixer October 6, 2004

5πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

weiner weiner

When you don’t know how to describe something but you want to get straight to the point of what you’re talking about.

Antonio: So boom, I was listening to um.. Weiner Weiner and it was absolutely insane man.

Asylum: Nigga..Weiner Weiner?

by ambronio June 10, 2022