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weird flex

When a nigga brags about something he shouldn't brag about.

"You seen Shaniqua's post on Twitter about cheating on her boyfriend with 10 other dudes? Weird flex but okay."

by zikinjola October 16, 2018

225πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Weird flex

Something that people on the internet won’t shut the fuck up about.

Weird flex but ok

by BigPapiGuac November 13, 2018

56πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Weird flex but okay

1) That's a strange thing to brag about, but you do you.

2) Used to imply that someone is bragging about something, often jokingly.

1) Twitter Person A: "What I spend on gummies you'll probably spend on gas lol" Twitter Person B: "Weird flex but ok"

2) Kavanaugh: "I was a virgin in highschool and many years after" Meme caption: "Weird flex but okay"

by ayywaddup November 2, 2018

70πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Weird flex but ok

To flex means to boast or show off about something. The phrase 'weird flex but ok' is said when someone proudly boasts or brags about something that most people would find either awkward, irrelevant or just plain weird. It's usually stated in a dismissive fashion.

Girl 1: "I'm dating my firend's dad, if we ever get married I'll become her stepmom!"
Girl 2: ... Weird flex but ok.

Person 1: "Yo, I finally hooked up with my cousin on Thanksgiving."
Person 2: ... Weird flex but ok.

by SirNikSerof January 13, 2019

1001πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Weird Flex But Ok

Used in reply to something odd or weird that you wouldn't agree with or understand, but go with anyway.

Someone: Mindy and I like doing it when it's that time of the month for her because I think it's lowkey sexy y'know?
Me: Weird flex but ok

by 45kgs October 27, 2018

5150πŸ‘ 718πŸ‘Ž

Weird flex but Ok

originally meant to be used in response to someone who mentions something odd that they do or have done, the phrase has quickly become overused and obnoxious.

Correct usage:

DeShawn: I like to let a girl know when I've masturbated to her.
Jerome: Weird flex but Ok.

Common usage:
NFL Instagram: Bradshaw McPeterson is out for the season with a torn ACL
Idiots in the comment section: Weird flex but Ok

Jake: My wife went to the doctor and we found out she's having a child!
Dustin: Weird flex but Ok

by ur banned dictionary admin November 16, 2018

384πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž

weird flex but ok

when somethig someone does may seem quite off or weird but ur just to lazy to give a fuck

friend 1) *eats a whole pig at school*

friend 2) β€œweird flex but ok”

by whipnaenae_ November 3, 2018

361πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž