While having a Threesome place one member lying on there back on the verge of diarrhea and place another mouth wide open infront of others butthole the third member will then jump on the stomach of the member laying down prompting them to shit uncontrollable in the others mouth completing a welch’s trampoline
Bro this girl from the bar last night was a freak we went back to her place and we did a welch’s trampoline with her roomate
While In a Threesome have one member lying down on there back on the verge of diarrhea (should be watery and dark like welch’s cranberry juice) Place another member mouth open at the ass of the member laying down the final member should then be standing over the member lying down and when all parties are ready you will jump up and down on the stomach of the person laying down forcing them to shit uncontrollably into the other person mouth then completing the welch’s trampoline
These sisters i got with last night were mad freaky, we did a welch’s trampoline in the dorm room, almost broke the bed bro