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West Denver High School

High School in Denver, Colorado. Main activities include baseball, football, drawing swastikas in the bathroom stalls, Xbox 360, smoking weed, being mediocre, attending lame pep rallies, Basketball, yelling "BEANER!" at the Mexican kids, smoking weed, being deluded into thinking XXXTENTACION is a good rapper, telling cool stories to bros, acting like a jackass in class, smoking weed, eating synthetic lunch food, high school sex, being homophobic, yelling at the teachers for trying to help you, wearing clothes that make you look like what some would call a douchebag, wearing school merchandise like it's cool or something, smoking weed, repeating what's been on Sportscenter for the last week and half with your friends, standing in the hallways, spreading rumors, half-assing it, and smoking weed.

Did I mention smoking weed?

“I wanna move to West Denver
Kids from other schools: Ew you know West Denver High School is ghetto”

by mylefnut July 31, 2018