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West Lafayette

From Indianapolis, head north β€˜til you smell it, then west β€˜til you step in it.

The annual Goat-Fucking Festival in West Lafayette drew a record crowd in 2021, attracting cracked out, bible-thumping hillbillies from all across the city!

by Bra55Flam1ngo February 5, 2022

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

West Lafayette

A much cooler and classier place in Indiana than Bloomington.

"Do you want to go someplace classy? How about Bloomington?"

"Nah, let's go to West Lafayette. It's just better."

by Dan the Manly Man October 22, 2007

259πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž

West Lafayette leftover

A fart that is sealed into a Tupperware container and left for discovery by an unsuspecting roommate.

After a burrito as big as my head, I left a West Lafayette leftover for my roommate Bloomer in the refrigerator.

by Al B Sure September 4, 2006

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

West Lafayette Jr Sr High

That one school where everyone's a nerd and nothing is fun cause there's nothing illegal going on. Half the students are asian and doesn't give a fuck about football.

But the pranks are extra.

Everyone from West Lafayette Jr Sr High are nerds with a 4.0 GPA.

by Dare Dare December 28, 2017