Referring to the west side of Cincinnati, Ohio. Much better then the east side. May be filled with drug addicts, the homeless, robberys and hillbillys, but its a great place with a lot of interesting people. Everybody knows everybody here (and your probably related to someone down the street). With old style buildings and local pubs it's awesome. The east side is boring with a bunch of stuck up rich kids and adults who think they deserve everything. The west side is beautiful and has a lot of great quality. Not to be mistaken with the west side of California (the west coast) we are much better then them and way less snobby.
person 1: "I'm from the west side."
Person 2:"isn't place home to the most robbed Walmart in the world?"
Person 1:" yeah but I love it here, we just have a bad reputation. The west side, best side!"
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