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Wet Knee

When you're dirty dancing with a chick who's on her cycle and she gets menstrual blood on or around the knee area of your pants

man 1: Did you see frank? His pants are soaked in blood.

man 2: What, did he gat stabbed?!

Man 1: No, Jenna was just bumping and grinding on him and she didn't have a tampon

Man 2: Ooooh, he got wet knee'd. Why didn't you just say that?

by deepinyomama69 July 25, 2008

7👍 4👎

wet knee houston

When a girl sitting on the toilet and is peeing and her partner is pissing in between her legs at the same time while making passionate eye contact.

I wanted to give her a surprise so I gave her a wet knee Houston.

by Bobbyhinckley January 1, 2014

81👍 8👎

getting your knees wet

Administering oral sex in an outdoor space (on grass)
the saying refers to getting your knees wet on wet grass when giving head.

the saying can been changed to refer to past, present or future tenses.
" the bitch got her knees wet last night"
"aww yeah get your knees wet!"
"your getting your knees wet"
"hey wanna go get your knees wet?"

by will janes November 13, 2007

27👍 8👎