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What has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap

Used in situations when someone comments on something that you really don't care about.

How to use:
1. Say "what has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap"
2. Point both your thumbs at yourself
3. Say your name followed by "nice to meet you"

"Now when the dark prince finally does call you home, please promise me you'll donate your body to Science and i don't mean medical science but NASA because when those buzzcuts all but given up on trying to figure out what a black hole is and they get one look at that space where your heart is suppose to be, well by golly they are going to say 'oh yeah, thats what it is!'"
"Hey Champ, what has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap?"
Thumbs go up
"Bob Kelso, nice to meet you!"

by Madonkadonk2 May 21, 2009

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