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what the quan

a family friendly term for WTF/WTH, usually used when something surprising or strange happens. Is also used in the same context as most "what the..." phrases.

Man 1: *pulls out a bag of dead cockroaches* guys. look at this!
Man 3: what the quan is 'what the quan'?

by antant August 22, 2009

16👍 3👎

what the quan

Used for when something unexpected or stupid happens, used like what the hell.

What the quan is wrong with that guy's face?

by TomahawkTy July 11, 2008

24👍 8👎

what the quan?

similar to wtf. orignally used in the beginning of a sean kingston song.

guy: dude look at that girls getup

other guy: what the quan?

by lkaj;lkdja;lkdjl;ad May 22, 2009

7👍 3👎