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a white man who wants to be black or pretends to be black

hey look at that whigger

by fly up cunts kids July 20, 2006

271๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


A disparaging term used to describe a Caucasian person that mimics ghetto and urban vernacular. More commonly used to describe those Caucasians whose only contact with popular urban culture is the entertainment media. A poseur.

The wigger thought all the black kids at school would be his friend because his mother bought him the latest pair of Jordans.

by Venessa Nina December 26, 2002

817๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž


A white person who tries to act black, wears his pants around his knees listening to crap like 50 cent. Usually has about 10 inches of boxers showing and wears his cap sideways.

Jimmy, dressed in Jordan jeans, a pink basketball jersey, and sideways pink hat saying "gangsta" is the perfect example of a whigger.

by Nikolai BlackPaw February 25, 2006

240๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


A white person who attempts to act black, but usually ends up just acting moronic.

"Man, what's with these stupid whiggers driving around in low-riders, blaring rap music that talks about killing whitey?"

by DragonXero January 6, 2003

304๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) a caucasian who doubts his own toughness, so thinks he can fool people into fearing and respecting him by acting black. Ironically, the effect is the opposite. No one is afraid of a whigger not even a smaller whigger.

2) an embarrassingly bad white rapper, generally not applied to the very few talented white rappers like Eminem.

1) Whenever someone hassles him he does his whigger routine because he thinks it will scare them.

2) Vanilla Ice is a whigger.

by Mike Oxhard July 10, 2006

131๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


A young white male who feels the need to listen to shitty rap music go on how hard it is to grow up in his perfect suburban neighbourhood and how hard life is for him and how he is a "gangstah" and occasionally wilol shave his head and say he is a skinhead just because he thinks it associates himself with a type of "gang"(skinheads dont have gangs) because he finally realized he was white

whigger-yo man why dont you bes a skinhead like me
me-I am an actuall fucking skinhead you nigger loving piece of shit
whigger-you wanna get fucking mased buddy
me-*kicks shit out of whigger*

by WP-SKINHEAD February 2, 2007

55๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


white man that becomes severly colorblind, and not only appears to himself as black, but actually begins to believe he is black. In trying to fit in with "their people" they act black and listen to rap music. Whiggers have caused the mass unification of all races to erraticate the whigger.

Wanna beat up so whiggers?

by John October 19, 2003

60๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž