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white star

cheap ass cider that gets ya pissed
does tha job but tastes like crap

1) ere m8 get us a litre of white star from the shop

by town May 3, 2004

22👍 6👎

white star

A British ship building company that existec in the late 1800s and went out of business in the mid 1900s. The Cunard line was their arch rival, and eventually Cunard was the one that ulitmatly did in the White Star Line. White Star was well known for builinding very big and luxiourus ships. Some of White Star's ships are Olympic, Britannic, Oceanic, Nomadic and the famous "unsinkable" RMS Titanic.

No matter what anyone says, the White Star Line has always and will always be better than the Cunard Line.

by olympic 1 September 16, 2007

12👍 3👎

White Star

A alcoholic beverage that charvers seem to drink on street coners everywhere, sometimes concealing it in fanta or coke bottles. I say alcoholic its probably made out of pigs piss......

1) I got 10 litres of white star.

2) Lets sneak the white star in, ill hide it in a fanta bottle

by Hormoaning October 17, 2003

11👍 6👎

black flag with white stars

signifies the bravery of the penis.

"those 138 black flag with white stars signify those brave, brave men"

by yoyo is a hoe May 4, 2008

4👍 25👎

white dirt star

A brown dirt star that has gone through an intense bleaching and now is shimmering white.

Vanessa made all of her money when she opened a rafting company that turned brown dirt stars into white dirt stars all while enjoying an afternoon ripping down some class V's and getting pitted on some gnar waves.

by Scotty & Rachel January 17, 2011

6👍 8👎

White Star Line

its the color white, then there are stars in it including a line

ur white and your the star and im the line, so we are all together white star line

ok no wth

by Naturalword May 31, 2022