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Whitgift foundation

A money-sucking organisation, hiding under the guise of being a charity in order to evade taxes. Owns three schools and charges extortionate tuition fees.
These schools are:

Whitgift School - the first and worst of the set. Just to give you an idea, they have a bird aviary and peacocks wandering in the grounds, enough said.

Trinity School of St John Whitgift - The Whitgift School's little brother, fortunately less prolific in arrogant rich bastards but they still dwell there occasionally, unfortunately much less well funded as all of the money is diverted to the above.

Old Palace School - A recent acquisition, formerly its inhabitants however notoriously ugly were quite sensible, however they have subsequently become more arrogant under the corrupting influence of the tyrannical Whitgift Foundation.

Note: St John Whitgift
Founder of the foundation, 'Saint' John was a miserly rich bastard of a priest who realised he was a total wanker on his deathbed and donated all his money to charity, conveniently just before it all became entirely useless to him.

Note II: In general under the christian church giving money to poor people is a sure ticket into heaven, whether this is a genuine act of kindness or a last ditch attempt to save ones pathetic soul.

"Oh, really corking to see you old chap, I went to Whitgift don't you know?"

by The bringer of truth February 23, 2005

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