Source Code


A command commonly used on IRC, other chat proggies, or a lan based network.. usually displays a users IP address, idle time, ISP, and channel activity

/whois jon

Jon: Socal.rr.com
#care @#gtfo

by Colin October 21, 2003

62👍 17👎


Whois is a bunch of randoms, like the name suggests, that are completely ed when given any power in community based games.

Whois are fuckin randoms. That is why they are called Whois like shit.

by BlackGuyButQuirkyDoe July 19, 2021


A Minoliism. Used to convey exasperation; it is essentially a razzle-dazzle way of saying 'sigh' on MSN.

Similar to 'aye'

"Whoy. I can't wait to trade in my Dell for a Macbook Pro. Windows is a disgusting third-rate product."

by Brooce February 22, 2007

5👍 4👎


a man whore with a big asshole

sometimes a chick

That brown kid over there is a whoi

that kid down in texas is also a large whoi

by aye bra June 11, 2009

12👍 11👎


a stupid person, or someone who says/does somthing incredibly stupid or obvious. Originated in upstate ny when a medicly retarded homeless man (Charels Edward Whoy) would do or said something somthing stupid.

stupid person says "This hot water is really hot"
someone says "Whoy"

stupid person walks into a wall
someone says "Whoy"

by asdfg34 December 5, 2007

11👍 12👎


To /whois someone

Shaine23 was whoising me becuase they're a stalker

by Z April 20, 2003