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Wish Walls

Wish Walls are a clear farming method in the video game Destiny 2 in a raid called Last Wish. Players must wish themselves to the final boss Riven of a thousand voices and kill her by using the sword cheese strategy. After killing her, players must complete Queenswalk by carrying her heart back to room below the vault room.

Would you like to farm some Wish Walls?

by Best Wish Waller in Town August 20, 2021

Wish wall withdrawals

Wish wall withdrawals occur when a person decides to do another raid. In extreme cases these symptoms can occur when in orbit. Symptoms include seizures, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, headaches, insomnia, sweating, and delirium.

Reziyy experienced wish wall withdrawals while doing SOTP.

by Some Kind of Redneck Man May 30, 2020