Source Code


“Where Niggas At?” ( In terms of where are you, any links?”

Jacob leaves his house after getting bored, and opens his phone and goes to snapchat
He takes a picture of his kicks and captionswna?”

by Deosis M. February 5, 2020

114👍 4👎


Short for "Wanna" or "Want to"

Person 1: "Ever bungeejumped?"

Person 2: "No, but I wna."

by Jafje May 30, 2008

38👍 34👎



Animals that live in the north-east that you constantly see dead on the side of the road. Such as squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, foxes, deer and many more.

Look at that WNA there dead in the road, two of them together!

by Limit-ed-ed Edition September 11, 2009

21👍 25👎


White Nigger Association.

A congregation of wiggers.

Hey look the WNA is amassing at McDonalds.

by I’m no wigger dawg December 26, 2007

20👍 58👎


kendalls meaning of wanna

"u wna go to the park?"

by cadourize December 15, 2020

2👍 9👎

who wna be proomfs

Who wanna be proofs in dollyspeak

who wna be proomfs
Ahhhhhh i’m talking to a doll

by thecharacterwannie July 1, 2022


Weed, Nicotine, Alcohol

"yo I spent $300 on WNA"

by george ronald December 1, 2019