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woman crush

When a straight female has an attraction for another, in admiration or idolization; not necessarily sexual.
Originated from hash tags on instagram for Woman crush Wednesday

Many girls of all ages, for instance might have a woman crush on Jennifer Lawrence or Meryl Streep

"My #womancrushwednesday #wcw is Jennifer Lawrence!"

"i have such a woman crush on Zooey Deschanel! She is so cute!"

by Ladida94 January 30, 2014

38👍 9👎

Woman crush Wednesday

When a guy is too scared to tell a girl he likes her so he subtly(but not so subtly) does it through social media. One should never put themselves as their own woman crush Wednesday unless they are a stuck up little bitch

Oh I like that girl so I'll make her my woman crush Wednesday

by Realtimemoneybitch February 12, 2015

355👍 111👎

woman crush wednesday

woman crush wednesday is a day dedicated to the sexiest girl alive named saoirse its actually only her day not just any woman bc she's the only woman in existence the sexiest woman ever i love her so much she's just so god damn sexy and delicious SO FUCKING HOT SO SO SEXY i love her she gets wcw dedicated to her

i love my woman crush wednesday

by mommy’s boy May 17, 2023

2👍 1👎