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Wok Face

(1)(noun,adj) Dealing with one who performs acts in the nature of wok.

(2)(noun) A rude or unkind Chinese or sometimes oriental person.

Syninanims: Douchbag, Prick, Asshole, Alan Yang

See also: Woking out, Wok

Man that guy couldnt have been more of a wokface when he shot my leg.

by C-dizzle and the slice December 8, 2003

13👍 7👎

Wok Face

An Asian person whos face is so flat it looks like it has been hit with the bottom of a wok.

Look at that Japanese lady sure has a wok face.

by beta puss February 25, 2011

6👍 3👎

Wok Faced Cunt

A typically an Oriental women, (NOT JAPANESE) with arrogance bitch ass attitude, that looks like she sucked on a lemon.

That wok faced cunt fucked up my whole round, dog eating, non english speaking, no tits.

by dick and ball set June 14, 2009

131👍 16👎