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Woke Bully Twitter

Coined by Drew Monson.


“People who talk about progressive movements, (prohibiting actions, and declaring work behavior.) But they are also bullies!”

Drew: “I followed these people before who are making cool tweets about like, transphobia or whatever, (but) then they’ll be calling someone fat! Just be *nice*!”

“You can’t be nice but *also* a bully. It doesn’t make any sense to be with these progressive movements and also making fun of the way people look in such an intense way.”

NBT: “Boys and girls and in between can look and feel how they want! Everyone has a right to the body hey deserve!”

A few minutes later, NBT: “This THING wearing DREADS is disgusting! What incest orgy did they crawl from? Cancelled!”

OTHERS: “Looks like Woke Bully Twitter is at it again!”

by klondikebaryoulldoanythingfor January 2, 2019

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