A travel company that uses multi-level marketing to advertise. The company claims to market travel packages for a lower price than other travel websites such as Expedia and Travelocity. However, one must pay both a sign up fee and a monthly membership fee to purchase a package. If a member can get 4 or more people to join, the monthly membership fee gets waived. If a member gets more than 6 people to join, they will receive a small bonus every month as long as those people are paying their monthly fee or getting new recruits. Typical of a pyramid scheme, the members of WorldVenture's primary focus is to recruit new members instead of actually sell its travel packages.
Worldventures Member: "So you get 4 friends your fee is waived. 6 friends, we'll start paying you!"
Friend: "Isn't that a pyramid scheme?"
Worldventures Member: "No no. No pyramid scheme here, it's all real"
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