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an exclamation of nearly any expression

"wowzerz, look at that car!" "wowzerz, that test was hard."

by Colleen Marie August 17, 2007

39πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


an exclamation of nearly any expression

"wowzerz, look at that car!" "wowzerz, that test was hard."

by Colleen Marie August 17, 2007

27πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


an extremely zesty way of saying wow only people with dads can say it

Dick- Wowzerz! That's long!
Maria-u cant say that ur dad is out for milk
Dick- :(

by Uwu_Your_Mom May 10, 2023

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A sarcastic approach on saying "wow".

TOM:"Hey guess what bill,My son just got a new report card"
BILL:"Wowzerz that surely is intresting,I spent most of my day waiting for someone to say something intresting to say. This surely is at my top five of intresting things people has said to me. WOWZERZ!!!!"

by Nzrockitgirl April 19, 2009

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Beyond Wow , extremely amazing , Unbelievably mind blown, Nek Level

You: β€œLook at this cool art!β€œ
Me: β€œWowzerz!!!!”

You: β€œlook at these idiots fighting over toilet paper!”
Me: β€œWowzerz!?!”

by Melankholae May 2, 2020