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Wrong Generation

A term often used as a sad excuse for people to show their insecurity about their tastes in music.

In reality, there is no such thing.

People who claim they were "born in the wrong generation" often have difficulty understanding the fact that music today is so much more than West and Bieber while forgetting that (lets face it) popular music (and society in general) from the 60s to the 80s wasn't perfect either.

Person 1: I was born in the wrong generation. The music was so fantastic compared to today's garbage.
Person 2: Sure about that? I wouldn't wanna live in a world where segregation was still a thing, a war was happening in Vietnam and the world was still trying to recover from WW2. And who says all music today is dull EDM? Make an effort to find a band or solo artist who writes music with passion and spirit. They are out there.

by Urban FH April 27, 2017

28πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Le wrong generation

A term used to ridicule people who believe they were "born in the wrong generation" just because they listen to classic rock, play old video games, watch television shows/movies released before they were born and wear clothing worn in past decades. They bemoan the generation they live in, stereotyping everyone in it as rude, narcissistic, smartphone-addicted, EDM-loving clowns, while claiming that the "good old days" were far better.

"Le wrong generation" people actually think they are superior for preferring things made before their time, despite the fact that everyone on Earth enjoys things from decades ago and that every decade has low points. They display hypocrisy by stating that they'd rather have grown up in the 50s, 60s, 70s, etc. before the rapid advancement of modern tech, yet rely on YouTube for the music they listen to and social media for submitting their views.

This group of people also includes "90s kids", i.e. people who spent much of their childhood in the 1990s. These guys whine on and on about how better their childhoods were in comparison to the ongoing childhoods of today's kids, recycling the same example over and over: "We actually played outside! We used our imaginations!" Again this is hypocrisy, as many kids of the 1990s stayed inside to watch TV and play video games, while today's kids DO still play outside. We just don't notice them because we're older and no longer hanging around the playgrounds that kids play in.

"I hate my generation. I wish I was born in the late 50s, so I could grow up with The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Queen. Back when music was actually good."
"Dude... check out Porcupine Tree and Muse. They both kick ass."
"Nah, they probably suck bro, all the best music was back in the good old days. Why can't today's musicians make music like that? Music died when Kurt Cobain died! Now all we have is Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, One Direction, Nicki Minaj and Kanye West!"
"Looks like you were born in le wrong generation."

"I wish I lived in a time before technology."
"So you'd rather cook a meal over a fire?"
"No, I mean computers and social media, back when people actually talked to each other."
"Then why are you on Facebook?!"

"Today's kids suck! When I was a kid I played outside in the rain and used my imagination. All of today's kids just play video games."
"What about the PlayStation 1 and Nintendo 64?"
"...Well yeah, but we weren't addicted to them! Not like today's kids!"

by Eternities22 July 4, 2016

75πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Wrong Generation Kid

Basically a kid who believes he/she was born in the wrong generation.

It's not necessarily 2010s kids, but pretty much every kid of every generation because to tell you the truth, every kid from the past complained about their own generations. For example, people who grew up in the 1980s complained about the 1990s, and people who are growing up in the 2010s are gonna complain about the 2020s so this is really nothing new at all.

I used to think like a wrong generation kid, but then I grew up and realized that people will always be unsatisfied with their current life situations and it seems that all previous generations had plenty of things wrong with them too. At first I thought this current generation was the worst but it really is just as bad as it always has been.

by CelticEagle February 12, 2019

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I Was Born In The Wrong Generation

Comments Kids type in that you'll find in popular 21st century VEVO Music Videos such as Justin Bieber, Taylor swift, Katy Perry and many more . What It Means is that they wanted to be born in the 70s, 80s, and 90s cause they think that back then, The 70s, 80s and 90s had better music like Pink floyd, Nirvana, Green day and all the 90s rock band. But If they were born in the generation they wanted to be, There will be no iPhones, Good tablets and Call of duty.

Annoying 11 year old: I was born in the wrong generation, Katy Perry music is awful, Green day is much better. Why don't we have that today?

Edgy teen: Guess what, WE DON'T CARE!

by Super splatoon kid August 27, 2016

97πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

I was born in the wrong generation

A stupid and insecure way for one to say that they like old music.

Stevebob Jr:" Pink Floyd is so great, not like this trash modern Justin Beaver and shit. I was born in the wrong generation."
Chadneil:"Bitch no..."

by TweedleDumbass420 August 15, 2020

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

β€œI wAs BoRn In ThE wRoNg GeNeRaTiOn”

A phrase that annoying teenagers use when being showed footage from older times. I hate it when people say it.

The teenager from Tik Tok said β€œI wAs BoRn In ThE wRoNg GeNeRaTiOn”

by 1955 Cadillac Coupe Deville December 26, 2022

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