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An amalgamation of four words: You all are not

Yaren't about to come up in my house disrespectin' me

by howisthisnamenottaken September 24, 2018


You aren't. Ex: Yaren't gonna do drugs with Jimmy.

Can be used in a funny, and a serious manner. Yaren't gonna do that.

by DJ_Turnt September 24, 2017

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Y'all aren't.

Sam: Yaren't allowed in my tool shed!

Billy: Yaren't?
Sam: Y'all aren't allowed in my tool shed!
Becky: Suck my chode.

by MCPoonSlayer September 25, 2018

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You+all Are+not y'all + Aren't = Yaren't

Yaren't right or Yaren't ready

by Auh February 11, 2019

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y'all (you all) + aren't (are not)

yaren't ready for this

by dolantoesday August 11, 2018

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Yaren't is "Y'all" and "aren't" smashed together into one, meaning "You all are not" most likely.

?: "Yaren't ready for this one."

by wowza! March 25, 2022


Y'all and aren't combined to make sentences shorter by saying "Yaren't"

"Yaren't ready for this"

by mommy_daddy October 30, 2018