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YOU are the Rorschach

I'm Hym. I'm not Rorschach. That's like the "I'M PICKLE RIIIIICK!!!!" guys. Nonono.

Hym "What are you even talking about? How are you as an atheist defending Ozymandias' plan when it is LITERALLY Jordan Peterson's 'Unifying Meta-Narrative that is both good for social cohesion and necessary to stave off catastrophe?' IT'S THE SAME THING! The parallel couldn't be any more direct! And it's obviously an analogy for the existence of God. I mean, Alan Moore needs to sue Peterson for copyright infringement... OR Vice-Versa. But YOU are the Rorschach! You spend every day posting videos to your video-diary about how the positives of the proposition that there is an omniscient reality guy who's gunna get ya if you don't play nice are irrelevant to you BECAAAUUUUSE... IT'S NOT TRUE. I mean, is it... Are you on Jordan's side now? The unifying meta-narrative is already done! The plan already worked! We're not blowing up the planet! So, I guess there's no reason for you to give your diary to the world. It's YOU. You're the Rorschach. And he has contempt for anyone who doesn't adhere to his completely self-fabricated moral code. Which is a leftist thing. The only thing he has in common with conservatives is the pedophile murder boner and the only thing he DOESN'T have in common with you is a lack of contempt for women. Which is an interesting thing for you to single out. Because that's literally the only thing you're not allowed to have contempt for. Well, and minorities (up to and including fat-cocks). But that's just a manifestation of you self-fabricated moral code."

by Hym Iam January 24, 2024