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You Wish

A nonchalant way to insult someone to the point of leaving them speechless.

Person #1:"I look so sexy"

Persn #2:"Bitch,you wish..."

by YouWishyouWazMe January 25, 2010

170๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

as you wish

Another way to say "I Love You", from "The Princess Bride"

"Farmer boy, fetch me that pitcher."
"As You Wish."

by CopyKit December 15, 2006

177๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

as you wish

another way to say "I Love You", from the Princess Bride

"Farmboy, fetch me that pitcher."
"As you wish."

by CopyKit December 17, 2006

81๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

as you wish

A phemonimal way to say 'I LOVE YOU.'
As demonstrated by Westley (played by Cary Elwes) and Buttercup (played by Robin Wright) in the 1986 movie 'The Princess Bride.'

Person 1: Buy me an orange hat, farm boy!
Person 2: AS YOU WISH!

by ramonabuttercup October 8, 2020

You wish jellyfish

a popular phrase to deny someone of something

"Will you go out with me?", 'You wish jellyfish!'

by Hanrahan May 21, 2008

118๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Careful What You Wish For

Careful For What You Wish For is used to warn a person about their wish they want to come true and tell them that it might not the thing they will envison later on.

Person 1: Man, I wish to become a successful hiphop rapper!

Person 2: Careful what you wish for though! it might come at you ten fold in the most unexpected way.

by Infisrael May 3, 2022

Mr. You wish you were asian

A man who has sooo much swag he wishes he was asian. These people are deliquent to belive they are in anyway deservent of being asociated with asians.

Mr. You wish you were asian: '' LOOK AT ME I GOT MA SCRUFFS ON AND I RIDE A MOTOR BIKE M8''
cwel kids of beverley: what the fack? That twat is such Mr. You wish you were asian -_-

by cwel xxx July 6, 2011

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