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Your mum's face

A term spawned from two previously immature and overused insults 'your mum' and 'your face'. Although these two retorts were originally used by the illiterate and mono-sylavic lesser-beings of british culture the combining of the two has only recently been adopted by somewhat higher brow citizens.

Although used gramatically in much the same fashion as both its parent phrases the use of 'Your mum's face' is generally accepted to be a satirical take on modern chav culture.

"Man this seat is comfy"
"your mum's face is comfy"

"Don't you think this ice cream is delicious"
"Your mum's face was delicious last night"

by Matt 'Verix' May 18, 2007

37👍 14👎

farting in your mums face

Your mum loves my ass farts she's an addict to them man

Me: wanna smell my fart Bbg

Your mum: ofc Abby cakes waddle that fine ass over here

Me: okay mama

Farting in your mums face is a manical experience for the both of us

by Dickchocker69420 April 3, 2023