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ya dumb

A way of saying your a freaking stupid

Dont touch that, YA DUMB

by Oofmom April 5, 2018

Ya dumb bitch

A word used by intellectual beings. The word holds great power. Using this word could get you banished to hell you these words at your own risk.

Addie: Yoi gay ya dumb bitch
Tristen: shit you got me there

by Hoverboardganta101 July 22, 2020

ya big dumb

<i>noun phrase</i> an insult of lazy desperation. There is no need for this paricular insult to follw any other particualr insult, however it does tend to end arguments quite quickly, be it by laugher or the confused looks of the recipient.

"I can't believe that you could actually do that to my cat! You're a horrible sample of a human being and should throw yourself into the nearest meat grinder! I hope you curl up and die!"

"Oh just shut it ya... ya BIG DUMB!"

by exactlywhat February 27, 2005