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Yaba daba doo

The act of a group of people dispersing quickly in random directions when:
1. Someone shows up that no one wants to talk to.
2. Someone in the group lets a horrendous fart at a bar.
3. In a business situation where negotiations goes wrong and the client runs.

1. Oh snap! Here comes Rod, let's yaba daba doo before he comes over here and starts doing impressions.

2. Damn Grant! Did you just crop dust us! Yaba daba doo!

3. What's up Bud?..if don't come to terms on this contract today, the client is going to yaba daba doo.

by D Flo July 1, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

yaba daba doo feet

My husband has Yabba Dabba Doo feet (otherwise known as Fred Flintstone feet) -- see photo submission here. They are troll-like and hairy, and very, very scary.

I would not like to suck on them.

by Romey June 6, 2005

365๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

yaba daba doo feet

a person with real ugly feet usually crunched up toes or bunions

damn dat gurl fine o no she has yaba daba doo feet u can have her pablo

by jinetik June 7, 2003

233๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

yaba daba doo feet

get stoned with the flintstones

omg im so high...yaba daba doo feet !!!!!!!

by drunk and September 17, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 301๐Ÿ‘Ž

yaba daba dip shit

A word used to describe someone who is dumb or in other words a dip shit but itโ€™s just funnier than saying just heโ€™s a dip shit

Man 1 โ€œThat yaba daba dip shit said noโ€
Man 2 โ€œlol yaba daba dip shitโ€

by bobocar1 February 1, 2021

Yaba daba si si i dont wanna be be another fut a tee tee cuz ayee oh i

When ur hella excited so u say: Yaba daba si si i dont wanna be be another fut a tee tee cuz ayee oh i

No way really? Yaba daba si si i dont wanna be be another fut a tee tee cuz ayee oh i

by Mano mano mano July 7, 2022

Yaba daba

A term to ask if youโ€™re almost done. In connection to what Fred flinstone says at the eod.

Man1: yaba daba?

Man2: doo

by Master-onion November 29, 2023