v.: to dismantle or otherwise redistribute the composite parts of a whole, as with an automobile, motorcycle, or computer system, according to the respective practical or monetary value of each.
n./adj.: used to denote or describe an item whose original purpose or function as a whole is no longer viable, but whose constituent parts retain some individual practical or monetary value, as with a "yard out" motorcycle (often hyphenated: "yard-out"), also called a "parts machine".
Context: The parting out of automobiles, motorcycles, electronic computer systems, industrial and agricultural machinery, electrical appliances, medical apparatuses, nautical and aeronautical equipment and other mechanical devices and instrumentation is done as an economical and, incidentally, ecological means of recycling (see recycle) and reusing various components that may otherwise be more expensive or difficult to obtain.
See also: part out; part it out; dismantle; parts queen, junk wagon.
"Patrick had me yard out a Zenith carburetor from a Triumph Tigress as the British were up to no good."
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A girl who from a distance of fifty yards away appears to be hot, but as you continue to approach you realize that many features that you could not previously see cause her to be in fact unattractive.
Alex to Jeff as they walk to class: Dude check out that blonde girl up ahead, I'm gonna get her number.
After they walk past without stopping to talk: Ok nevermind she was just a fifty yard fake out.
A woman that looks good at an average distance of forty yards, but upon closer inspection wouldnt get fucked by any self-respecting man. See also It.
"Holy shit! I thought she was hot, but it's a forty yard fake out."
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Thinking someone is pretty attractive from a distance but is actually ugly up close.
"I thought she was hot when i saw her across the parking lot but fell for the 50 yard fake out when i saw her up close"
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When someone looks pretty hot when you are far away but when you get closer to the person they don't look that good.
When someone looks pretty hot when you are far away but when you get closer to the person they don't look that good aka 40 yard fake out
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