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A professional hentai (pervert).
Commonly wears glasses, has a camera, sneaks around appearing from weird places, and finally is an expert stalker. Women will fear him, men will either beat him up or look up to his pro skillz.
Yasudas also suffer from anemia and weakness, mainly because of excessive loss of blood from nosebleeds. The cause of the nosebleeding is uncertain, but most often occurs around cute/beautiful women.
There is no known counter-measure to his sneaky ways. Nor is there anywhere to hide. Run... run while you still can...

"OMFG!!!11!ONE where the hell did you come from, Yasuda!?"
"Jimmy is a Yasuda wannabe, but nowhere as cool ^^;"

by Yasuda February 25, 2005

7đź‘Ť 11đź‘Ž

Waka Yasuda

kawaii Japanese girl

Who’s “Waka Yasuda”?
Oh she’s that cute tiny girl, too bad she hates doing fun stuff

by KingofHongKong November 24, 2021


A cool person. They usually are cool. You will like them. A Yasuda is funny. A Yasuda is a good friend. ~~thanks iwa~~

man yasuda is cool.

by cloud307? March 26, 2021