The better name for boobies as the word boobies has the word "boo" in it.
interchangeable with hooraybies and okaybies.
Coined by the comedian Myq Kaplan.
maybe not hooraybies because it sounds like some sort of infectious disease.
Guy1) Look at those yaybies!
Guy2) I know! Aren't those great? They look like globes!
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Having a great amount of excitement. So much, that you act crazy, jump around, get in others faces, and may foam at the mouth, relating this crazy to having rabies. Can be contagious.
"Woo! I caught the yaybies while planning my birthday night!"
the good side of boobies except it's not boo-bies it's yay-bies
she has nice yaybies
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someone who is name abie and whenever you see them inside your heart is screaming yay, where they're such a good person they are yaybie
Yaybie! Nice to see you again!
A better word for describing a woman's chesticles.
I don't know of a single husband that goes "Boo!" when his wife takes off her top, I go "Yay", so I think they should be called "Yaybies".