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Yeah you right

An expression used to describe the accuracy of something.
Also known as, "you are correct!" or "that's accurate!"

such as:

"her hair is sooo frizzy"

"Yeah you right!"

by woahkilla13 May 20, 2010

24👍 14👎

Yeah you right

A phrase used by Bryan Dip when he wants to fit in with kids he isn't friends with.

Nick: That Adam kid's a fag
Bryan Dip: Yeah you right!

by superminun October 30, 2017

5👍 8👎

Yeah Man You Right

A phrase you say when:

1) People suggest for you to do something completely retarded.
2) You don't really believe what someone has said.
3) Someone says something stupid that makes no sense.
4) Someone is making fun of you.

Also can be used frequently with cool thing. The phrase becomes really effective if you use hand motions to interpret it. The most common one is moving your hand in a roller coaster fashion: Move it slowly up like you are climbing the first hill on a coaster for the first two words, and draw them out saying them in a high pitched voice....Yeah Maaaaaaaaaaannnn....Then for the next word, still in a high pitched voice, act like you are at the top of the hill and stop for a second....Yooouuuu(Pause) ....Then plummet down the hill with the last word saying it real fast and in a deep voice....Right....And thus you have the hand motions.

Friend: "Why don't you go play in the street?"
You: "Yeah Man You Right!"

Friend: "My uncle is the King of an African country, and he has twenty pet lions."
You: "Yeah Man You Right!"

Friend: "Your face is so ugly, it looks like you fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down."
You: "Yeah Man You Right!"

by BadPig0689 October 29, 2006

10👍 4👎

Yeah Man You Right!

A phrase you say when:

1) People suggest for you to do something completely retarded.
2) You don't really believe what someone has said.
3) Someone says something stupid that makes no sense.
4) Someone is making fun of you.

Also can be used frequently with cool thing. The phrase becomes really effective if you use hand motions to interpret it. The most common one is moving your hand in a roller coaster fashion: Move it slowly up like you are climbing the first hill on a coaster for the first two words, and draw them out saying them in a high pitched voice....Yeah Maaaaaaaaaaannnn....Then for the next word, still in a high pitched voice, act like you are at the top of the hill and stop for a second....Yooouuuu(Pause)....Then plummet down the hill with the last word saying it real fast and in a deep voice....Right....And thus you have the hand motions.

Friend: "Why don't you go play in the street?"
You: "Yeah Man You Right!"

Friend: "My uncle is the King of an African country, and he has twenty pet lions."
You: "Yeah Man You Right!"

Friend: "Your face is so ugly, it looks like you fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down."
You: "Yeah Man You Right!"

by BadPig0689 October 28, 2006

4👍 4👎