Yellow Journalism Polygyny Trigger or YJPT=When lies, and Exaggerated truth’s have been spread about polygyny that will trigger a person to be upset, sad, angry, or depressed. They will say things to provoke you to be angry at someone for bringing up the topic of polygyny, they will belittle someone or verbally attack someone simply because the topic of polygyny is on the table. Yellow journalism is contagious and could spread to the next person in a matter of seconds if a person has a response in them that can be triggered. Many people who suffer from all forms of traumas could be a victim of yellow journalism polygyny triggers if they have not healed properly from their past traumas.
When the word Polygyny is mentioned the person could possibly go into a rage, or become overly emotional, loud and belligerent.
If you try to dialogue on the subject of polygyny, or attempt to disprove their false beliefs about polygyny or expose the truth on polygyny that it’s righteous and it’s not a sin according to the bible but only to their feelings and how they have been a victim of YJPT they will shut down, over talk you, be loud, or create lies and exaggerate about polygyny. Those who suffer from this will blurt out anything that is made up about polygynous and they will become triggered and they may find negative sides of polygyny such as past events that may have happened in a polygynous family.
Yellow Journalism Polygyny Trigger (YJPT) is defined as being trigged at the topic of polygyny.