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yo but

a common phrase usually heard in girardville and sometimes shenandoah. used to gain attention from another person. another way of saying hello.

Hey, there's Jimmy. Yo but!!!

by Warren G April 19, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

yo yo yo

A string of noises emitted by retards when attempting to say "Hello".

A Homie: Yo yo yo, whaddup ma nigga.
Me: Shut the fuck up before I shoot you in the head (again).

by Spatter Artist February 20, 2006

568๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž

yo yo

a childs toy used for amusement in an up and down motion, capable of performing tricks

yo my homie bro, thinks are totally wack... have u seen my yo yo??

by Tom Barrett October 29, 2003

143๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

yo yo yo

another way of saying wassup, or hi

"ey yo dawg how u been?"

by Diamond Princess April 5, 2003

108๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you're trying to hold back a monster sized shit and it keeps pushing its way out; followed by you pulling it back in.

Dude you have got to pull over! I've got a serious yo-yo going here.

by Hu Jia September 21, 2004

375๐Ÿ‘ 212๐Ÿ‘Ž


Term used in the early 20th century to refer to homeless people traveling back and forth on Subway trains for the day. Traveling back and forth with no purpose but to take up time. Used extensively in the novel V. by Thomas Pynchon.

I had no where to go, so I spent the day yo-yoing.

by V............. September 20, 2011

17๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


a seemingly psychotic person who expresses him/herself through insane stunts.

"Did you see that yo-yo jump that truck holy shit!"

by N!NJ4 April 29, 2005

130๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž