Which is why the Palestinians are going to do... What, exactly? You've killed Hamas... And the rest of the Palestinians are supposed to do what? Live in peace with the Jews? You just said that they can't do that. You've murdered their children. And have sniped several of them on several occasions BEFORE Oct 7th... So... What happens after you kill Hamas?
Hym "So... If you can't live in peace with the people who murdered your children... What are the Palestinians supposed to do after you've killed Hamas? Not live in peace with the people who killed their kids, I guess. That can't be done. It's impossible for them to do that. I guess they'll just have to... I don't know... Rape and murder your kids again, except... Like, later. I mean... You have literally left them no other option! The thing that would be convenient for you is theoretically impossible, to you. Or is it that YOU can't love in peace with the people who murdered your kids but the Palestinians CAN do that, or.... Like, what? It's impossible for THE JEWS to live in peace with people who murder their kids but everyone else HAS TO do it... Non-Jews HAVE to live in peace with the people who murdered their kids or the Jews are allowed to murder THIER kids indiscriminately. Ok... That makes sense... That seems fair for everyone!"