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"You're" Syndrome

A syndrome that is caught when someone is around a Grammar Nazi who always corrects incorrect usage of "your" for "you're." After being around Grammar Nazis, people will oftentimes develop a case of "You're" Syndrome.

These people will use "you're" regardless of context, including when "your" is actually the appropriate word. This is an act of carelessness and/or misunderstanding.

Person 1: Hey, can I use you're computer?
Person 2: You want to use I'm computer?
Person 1: No, I want to use you're computer.
Person 2: Wrong form of "you're." "You're" is only used in place of "you are."
Person 1: What do you mean? I thought it was always "you're."
Person 2: Dude, you've got a severe case of "You're" Syndrome.

by Firestar493 April 26, 2013

Your/You're Syndrome

One of the world's most common disease. One in three children are born with this. People with Your/You're Syndrome have a hard time figuring the difference between your and you're. People with this disease will always make this mistake even if they know the difference. As of right now, the only cure is to slap someone in the face until they are cured.

Gerardo: Hey dude, have you passed you're game yet?
Marco: What?

Gerardo: Have you passed you're game yet?
Marco: Ummm, it's YOUR not you're, learn the difference!
Gerardo: I do know the difference, guess I have your/you're syndrome.
Marco: Guess i need to punch you in the face.........

by pornfreakk July 26, 2011

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