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Your ancestry incestry

The new addition to the your mom gay trilogy

John: "Your mom gay"
Bill: "No you"
John: "Your family tree LGBT"
Bill: "Your ancestry incestry"
Entire world collapses on itself after John took the most intense insult known to man.

by ScruffyNuffy March 31, 2018

4👍 1👎

your ancestry incestry

The final comeback against any insult, its so powerful its defies the "no u" comeback of any sort.

"Hey Garry your mom gay"
" Hey Larry ur family tree LGBT"
" Hey Garry your ancestry incestry"

*Garry proceeds to explode into a million pieces and gets sucked into the void dimension with no possibilty of coming back into the human realm after getting destroyed beyond human comprehension*

by malma March 29, 2018