It all started in 1993 Zachary Hansen was born. He was born to a conservative family of buyers and sellers . Zach's family had been buying and selling for generations so it only seemed fit that he would grow up to take on his ancestors path . fast forward 10 years he began buying and selling anything he could around school to help make sure that everything they owned was paid off. evebtually around the eighth grade he saw no reason to stay in school as it wasnt helping his bartering skills nor his business skills, Because come on how are you going to pay everything off while being in school for 8 FULL hours a day . He ran into a rough couple of years when he lost interest in buying and selling so that lead him to apply at a local supermarket none other than walmart it's self . He waited and waited until he finally came to the realization that they were not going to call him back this infuriated Zach Hansen. He vowed to take revenge by showing walmart and anyone who had a shitty walmart job that he didnt need them and he could do this on his own. It was a very rough start for Zach Hansen but he pushed through and continued his days of buying and selling until he was finally able to pay off a house , truck, and a car Zach is a living testament that if you work your ass off and buy and sell shit , YOU too can have everything paid off including a honda shadow .
Zach Hansen : Good thing I couldn't give a fuck less about some keyboard warriors think.
I buy and sell shit every day. I own a house. A truck. A car.
All payed off.
So when you get completely low balled after 1000 times. Yeah.
Fuck all of you and you walmart jobs