Source Code

Zachary Freeborn

Zack, I love you so much and you scare me
sometimes bc I wanna be with you forever
and my insecurity issues lead me to believe
that you'll leave me🥺 & but I don't want you
to go. Please don't. Can you promise me that
if u ever find someone better than me to just
please don't lie and tell me bc I at least
deserve that:/ but for now I hope and I think
you do love me as much as I love you. UGH
I'm so fucking glad I met you on that retarded ass game and when I heard you for the first time…🥺 giawd. Sorry I shouldn't
sound so soft, don't forget I'Il slit ur fucking
throat if you hurt me. <3 also no girl was
having a panic attack I just wanted to write
you this lol cause I'm overthink and idk I iust
need vou to know I love vou a lot okav?

zack lol… sorry I’m kind of a mess sometimes

From Ruby,

To: Zachary Freeborn

by Oops I dropped the soap March 22, 2022