Zebaish is an independent and strong-willed individual who knows her self-worth and advocates for herself. She is always looking for ways to improve and grow as a person, and she knows that she is worthy of good things in life. She doesn't let others dictate her self-worth or the direction of her life, and she is always mindful of who she invest her time and energy into. She treats herself like her best friend, speaking highly of herself and affirming her worth. Zebaish has the courage to let go of negative people and relationships that do not benefit her and she never lets others define her worth.
In dealing with people and situations, Zebaish is able to analyze them effectively and make informed decisions. She knows the value of protecting her energy and staying away from negative situations and people. She believes that she is the main character of her life and behaves as such. She speaks highly of herself and values herself as a worthy and important person. Zebaish does not hold on to people or relationships that do not serve her, and she treats herself with kindness and compassion. She is positive, compassionate, understanding, and always affirming herself and speaking highly of herself. She knows that she is loved and appreciated by the people she surrounds herself with, and she makes room for people who are right for her.
Zebaish is a queen