Source Code


The other definitions have the right meaning (a sloppy kiss where you blow, making a farting sound,) but this spelling and pronunciation have diverged from the original, and should be considered incorrect.

This word was first introduced on "The Cosby Show", (Season 2, Episode 11) and explicitly spelled out "ZRBTT". It was also clearly pronounced without the final "r" sound given here. It was spelled repeatedly by several characters. The subtitles as aired on the show spelled it "Zurbitt" when Bill Cosby was pronouncing it as if it were a real word. Part of the joke of this word is that it's a nonsense spelling without vowels.

In the episode, Vanessa was practicing for a spelling test, and Rudy kept interrupting, asking what a series of nonsense letters spelled. The following, including spelling, is taken from the subtitles as transmitted.

Rudy: Vanessa, what does "Q-N-G-H" spell?

Vanessa: Nothing. Give me another word.

Rudy: What does "Z-R-B-T-T" spell?

Vanessa: Nothing!

Rudy: How come when you spell it's a word and when I spell it it's nothing?

Vanessa: Dad, I'm studying very hard for the spelling test, and she keeps asking dumb questions.

Cliff: I don't think anybody asks dumb questions. What's your problem?

Rudy: What does "Z-R-B-T-T" spell?

Cliff: "Z-R-B-T-T" spell? Uh... That's zurbitt. Zurbitt... uh.. You know what I think a zurbitt is? I just remembered. A zurbitt is this:

(makes zrbtt on Rudy's cheek.)

(UrbanDictionary forces me to include the misspelling "zerbert" here.)

by Irwin M. Fletcher March 18, 2010

138๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


creating a seal between a human mouth and flesh (commonly the stomach or arm) and then blowing, producing a fart-like sound.

Wanna hear a funny noise? <zerbert inserted here>

by Bungalow Bill October 19, 2001

534๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž


"creating a seal between a human mouth and flesh (commonly the stomach or arm) and then blowing, producing a fart-like sound." --Bungalow Bill

This word was made popular by Bill Cosby on his hit TV show, the Bill Cosby Show.

For most people, it tickles like mad on the stomach, which is what makes it so much fun. Try it out.

"No! Not a zerbert! Gah! No get off!" <zerbert> "Sweet Mother of God it tickles!!!"
"Mwahahaha" <zerbert>
"Oh the humanity! That one was wet!"

by Swede July 11, 2004

288๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. n., A fart-like noise acheived by placing the lips on human skin and blowing.

2. v., To perfom said action.

1. My mom wanted me to kiss her, but I decided to piss her off and give her a zerbert.

2. I was bored, so I zerberted myself on the arm.

by Zack Green September 6, 2004

126๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


When it's done in the stomach area, it becomes known as a raspbelly.

"I'm going to do the biggest, loudest, wettest raspbelly you've ever had!"

"You mean a zerbert?"

"No, I mean a raspbelly!"

by Perito Quastenberg April 5, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirty Zerbert

As she performs felatio from behind on the penis that is tucked back between the legs the man fires a cum warning in the form of fart on her forehead

Honey, would you rather go have sushi tonight or stay in for a Dirty Zerbert?

by Unemployed Nugget February 15, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

back zerbert

Similar to the normal zerbert, this is when one individual uses his or her mouth to create a seal with another individual's back and then blowing, producing a fart-like sound. The back zerbet is often more tricky to pull off given the higher concentration of muscles compared to the stomach and so it is best pulled off by an experienced zerbet giver.

I was watching Lynn and Nicholas wrestle when she decided to hold him down, face first, and give him a legendary back zerbert. The noise was so loud; she has clearly done this before.

by Justn_time_ February 1, 2016