A woman who likes to garden, can foods, eats healthy to an extreme extent, like, always has a mason jar full of concoctions they’re drinking, makes herbal tinctures, is likely, primarily a vegetarian, can have unkempt hair and can be either very quiet or very loud, no in between, has a good heart but can make you feel judged from time to time, but you put up with it because without your local Zucchini Mama, you wouldn’t know how to dress your wounds and you wouldn’t get boxes of zucchini’s and tomatoes fresh from the garden dropped off at your house randomly and you’ll never know a person who’s more willing to lend a helping hand in just about any situation.
Wow, you’re grandma is such a zucchini mama!
You can always count on a zucchini mama!
Here comes the zucchini mama!