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a muhammad

A term used to indicate an unnamed Muslim male, can be used in a deragatory manner as the word haji has been used in the past. Can be compared to how the name Jose is used to indicate a nameless male of hispanic origins, or Tyrone or Chang, to signify blacks and asians.

Dude 1:Yo, look son, there go a Muhammad!
Dude 2: His people blew up our homes!
a Muhammad: My name aint Muhammad!!!

by Malcolm OSX April 23, 2006

60πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


The last and final prophet of Allah, also the most beloved prophet of all time. A great leader of this Ummah

You're such a Muhammad!

by Excuse me my name is August 28, 2017

2016πŸ‘ 755πŸ‘Ž


Muhammad’s are the cutest and most loving boys you will ever meet! If you get a Muhammad, keep him! If his your best friend, he’ll tease you a lot! If he’s your significant other he’ll treat you right like if his life depended on it!

I’m so glad I have a Muhammad!

by Filipinogurl October 28, 2019

541πŸ‘ 286πŸ‘Ž


Muhammad is a guy who is kind and loving. Muhammad always makes someone happy when they are sad. He always has his friends back. Your lucky if your muhammad


by Real words mean a lot March 23, 2019

314πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž


He has a phat juicy ass.

Guy 1: β€œBro check out the pics my girlfriend sent me”

Guy 2: β€œNah, that’s definitely Muhammad. ”

by coochdestroyer875 February 25, 2021

133πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


Peace be Upon Him. He is a Messenger of Allah who treats women, children and old folks equally, helps the poor, has good mannerism, and doesn't believe in violence. Contrary to the Western media, Muhammad pbuh is not a paedophile and barbaric. He rejects materialism and the first animal rights activist.

1) Muhammad is a peace-lover. β€œLet us go to resolve the situation and make peace between them.” (Bukhari)
2)Muhammad treats women kindly. β€œWhoever (brings up) two girls till they come of age, will be in the next world along with me, like my two fingers joining each other.” (Abu Dawud)

by islammeanspeace November 29, 2017

597πŸ‘ 477πŸ‘Ž


A cool guy that lived in the Medieval era. He was born in Mecca and died in Medina. Sadly, his reputation has gone very down because of some of his fanclubs in the Middle East.

Muhammad is the last prophet of Allah

by Sususs Amongus July 2, 2021

75πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž