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A box on the ear

A slap in the face with open hand.

Three ladies gave a box on the ear to the favourite of a prince.

by rose_bud June 26, 2011

8👍 7👎

box his ears

The act of hitting someone's ears with the palms of your hands. Typically results in the recipient being in extreme pain, and occasionally, deafness (either temporary or permanent).

Boxing someone's ears is usually done with the express purpose of punishing someone for an offence, although is by no means limited to such. It can also be used as an impromptu self defence technique, or just to piss off someone you don't particularly like.

"Box his ears, pop! Box his ears!"

by Turkey Boy January 23, 2008

79👍 14👎

box your ears

To strike someone on one or both thier ears with the flat of your palm,this totally destroys thier balance and usually destroys their eardrums if done right.

The mugger attacked me and I boxed his ears sending him down to the street.

by DR March 13, 2005

227👍 89👎