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A Harley rider

A Harley rider is some who has a motorcycle and rides with a gang of people and rev their bikes as loud as they can because they are fags.

I want be a Harley rider

Why do u want to be a fag

by Therealnigga42069time May 20, 2020

45👍 1👎

Fucktard Harley Rider

Any fucking retarded piece of shit who finances a non rice rocket (NRR) motorcycle because "riding is freedom".

Freedom is not having another payment to the bank. Back in the days before those assholes at Hardley Greedyson took their company public, most NRR motorcycle enthusiasts/bikers owned their bikes. Your dentist/plastic surgeon/accountant did not own a Hardley or any other motorcycle. Corporations didn't buy custom motorcycles for advertising or tax write offs. Bikers were looked down upon as dirty, scumbag criminals, and they liked it that way. Maybe they were scumbags, maybe they weren't, but being a biker meant something besides that you had good credit or disposable income. Rock stars and GIs rode bikes because they were tough, or shooting an album cover, or stealin your woman. There were no gay leather bikers that went outside. Owning an NRR bike meant something. Fuckin Evil Knievel jumped Harleys (not Hardleys).

Nowadays, any fucking idiot fucktard can own an NRR bike, if you've got the credit. Thing is, you'll probably die before the sixth payment. It doesn't mean anything to them, it's just another payment. Having an NRR bike means Rebellion and Freedom, and being proud to ride an American Made Machine (and some cool British ones). When Hardleys started coming with Japanese made parts on them, it was only going downhill from there.

Fuck You, Dentist Bikers, and the lawyer bikers, and anyone who finances an NRR bike. You don't know what freedom is.

That fucking asshole fucktard dentist down the street started his Hardley at fuckin five in the morning today. I'm gonna spray some insulfoam down his pipes so I don't have to hear that shit ever again. All these Fucktard Hardley Riders today, who don't even own their bikes, need to get run off a cliff. We should eliminate all the Fucktard Harley Riders. They're all Fags and Posers. Maybe the real bikers will take 'em all out. That would rule!!!

by Jay buckwheat February 21, 2012

38👍 36👎

A Harley Rider

Usually, an unfriendly, greasy, ugly, fat, poser who owns a $5000 pickup truck and an unreliable, $30,000 2000cc cruiser to be revved at 7000 RPM in 25 MPH zones with a tatted-up "Lot Lizard" on the back. This individual is often of low intelligence, has more tattoo's than teeth and has some sort of superiority complex where they believe that buying 900 lbs of overpriced, poorly performing junk that is made in Taiwan and assembled in America allows them to snub any other biker on the road regardless of their skill and experience. They think they own the road and are higher on the totem pole than 18-wheelers. But, their lack of a helmet means they fail the Darwin test and rank lower on the evolutionary scale than effeminate pansies riding 50cc scooters. While cruising around town, they usually wear vests with patches on them from rallies attended and think that means something. They look more like the imposters that steal military valor, than the war heroes they plagiarize.

Like with Apple computers, the brand is permanently shit-stained by the self-entitled tools that use them.

That pompous A Harley Rider is sure full of himself. If the FONZ were riding down the road on his Triumph, he would be too cool to wave to him.

by sbohandley June 10, 2024